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Full-time or part-time education in modern society, higher education is an integral part of the development of both the individual and society as a whole. the rapid development of all areas of life makes it necessary for at least half of the employed population to have higher education. today, the education system provides applicants with many ways to obtain higher education: full-time or part-time education, paid and free courses, free schedule of attendance, as well as the possibility of obtaining two or more education at the same time. how to write an essay for scholarships <a href="">college essay header</a> good things to write an argument essay on full-time and part-time education. compare and choose it is not always easy to choose between full-time study, which means that the student regularly attends classes, and part-time study, which consists of independent study of most of the material. giving preference to one or another form of training, it is necessary to study all the pros and cons of each of them, evaluate their capabilities and plans for the next few years. "pros "and" cons " of full-time education full-time, or as it is also called, full-time education is preferred by applicants who have just finished school. the main advantages of this form of training are: efficiency. students attend lectures every day and have the opportunity to consolidate their theoretical knowledge in practice. close communication with teachers also contributes to the assimilation of the material. saturation. only by studying full-time can you appreciate all the delights of student life. often, it is during their studies at the institute that a strong friendship is formed. scholarship. full-time students can count on a scholarship if they pass the session successfully. delay from army. the main disadvantage of full-time education is the inability to combine the educational process with work. how to write a thesis statement for informative essay <a href="">essay scholarship for college students</a> how to write an essay about yourself for high school correspondence form. all the "pros" and "cons" despite the fact that full-time education is considered the most effective, distance learning has recently become increasingly popular. this is due to the opportunity to get work experience and real work experience while studying. also, this form of training has other positive aspects: the cost of training available to many is lower; the ability to implement the acquired knowledge in practice; competition, when applying for part-time education is lower than for full-time education; disadvantages of the correspondence form are: irregularity . most part-time students pay attention to their studies only during the session, which can not but affect the level of knowledge. quality of teaching. due to the limited time of classroom training, some important information is not included in the curriculum. when studying the material on your own, if you have any questions, there is no one to answer them. lack of control. many employers give preference to graduates of full-time tuition. how to write a book essay <a href="">college entry essay</a> how to write a swot analysis essay
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