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jordan cram
Né àUnited States
10 years
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Janvier 1, 1998
jordan taylor cram was born on january 1, 1998 at good shephard hospital in barrington illinois. His parents are dion and jennifer cram. they were very young but ready for the challenge of being new parents, little did they know what the outcome would be. jordan was very energetic always running around and bumping his head. he would get a different bruise on his head every other day it seemed, but that didnt stop him from getting what he wanted. I thought that we should have just wrapped him in a bubble to protect him, he wouldnt of been happy that way. June 10, 2000 dion and i got married, and jordan was our ring bearer. before the ceremony he was playing in the dirt in his tux. typical of him silly little boy. On august 15 2001 we added another little addition to our family. jordan has a sister named mykhaela. they loved eachother tremendouly. every night since mykhaela was out of her crib they slept together on the floor in our room. she called jordan her sleeping buddy. until the day that ended. jordan would pick on his sister like a normal boy would, no suprise there.  We lived in Crystal Lake Illinois for 8 years. jordan went to husmann elementary. he finished kindergarden-2nd grade at husmann.

one day we went to watch a motocross race at lake geneva. i think Jordan was 5 years old. he wanted a dirt bike and wanted to ride like those guys. So naturally dion went out and bought him his first dirt bike, it was a 2003 honda xr 50. jordan rode it with traingi wheels for like 2 months and then dion and his uncle mike had this bright idea to take them off and see if he could do it. Jordan did it right off the bat. He actually did it before learning how to ride his bicycle. about a month after that dion was making jumps in the back yard for him to jump. in 2004 he raced his first race at byron, and place third. he was so happy. he got this big ole trophy and he thought he was the coolest kid. he raced that honda for a month and people told us he was awesome and needed a faster bike. dion bought him a cobra, an air cooled cobra. he rocked on that thing. we raced 3 times a week for awhile until lake geneva closed its doors. He had natural talent, and he loved doing it. in 2006 Jordan district 17s, 50 sr. points champion. what an accomplishment, he as well as dion and i were extremely proud of him. in every race jordan was placing 4th or better. anything less than that wasnt good enough for him.
 through out the rest of his time here on easrth he always set goals for himself and be the best he could be in the sport. it was just they way he was. Jordan unlike many racers treated a win as if it was 4th . he was alwasy humble, never rubbed it anyones faces. I am extremely proud that I raised such a good boy. His friends were his friends before the race and up until that gate dropped, then thats where friendship was left. when that checkered flag was waved and he went passed it, his friends were his friends again. He was ready to play and enjoy being with the people he cared about.
In septmber, 2006 we moved to poplar grove illinois. the kids atteneded poplar grove elementary. jordan was 3rd grade and mykhaela started kindergarden. they were nervous, but it turned out that there was some kids from motocross that he knew that went there so it helped jordan out. mykhaela didnt care. November 6th jordan got really sick. i knew something was wrong with him. i knew it wasnt the flu, it was something else. i took him to  the dr. and it turned out i was right. he had appendacitis. i had to take him to the hospital right away they said. i have this little memory about the emergency room. when we got there the nurse gave me a specimen cup and told me to have him pee in it. jordan was so out of it and i took him to the bathroom and told him mommas gonna hold this and you have to pee in it. well he peed on me, nice i know but i at least got a little chuckle out of him. he thought it was so funny. so we waited 3 hours to be seen that day, he was asked to drink this chalky white stuff well he couldnt hack it so they did the scan anyways. dr. came in and said yep he has appendicitis, we have to have it removed lets prep him for surgery. the nurse came in to do a IV. they had to do it like 3 times poor kid. but he was a trooper like always. he came out of surgery in like 2 hours, from the time they wheeled him in there. the surgeon came to me and told me hes out he did great and hes up stairs in the peds floor. I asked  the dr. how long will he have to be here. he said three days. i said easy enough.  It wasnt 3 days he was there for 8. he developed a severe case of phneumonia. he had a quarter of a working lung that was it. i woke up one morning to 3 nurses hovering over him trying to figure out why his palseoxs was so low. he had one lung completely full of fluid and the other was 3 quarters full of fluid. at this piont jordan was scared, hell i was freaking out, he just wanted out of the hospital. He was released eight days after he was admitted.
Janvier 1, 1998
Born in on January 1, 1998.
Juillet 11, 2008
Passed away on July 11, 2008.
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