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jordan cram - Online Memorial Website

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jordan cram
Born in United States
10 years
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Melissa Reed
I remember how excited you were, Jenny, to have Jordan.  You are such a great mom, and I remember Jordan when he was just a little baby.  He was the most adorable baby I think I've ever seen.  You always dressed him so cute, and we would go shopping in the mall with him, when we was 1 and 2 years old, and he was always so GOOD!  And when you brought him to my baby shower when I was pregnant with Ian, just a cherub - I swear.  Adorable and SWEET and well behaved.  You and Dion did a fantastic job raising him, and I wish to god that he was still here for you, Dion and his sister.  But the lord works in mysterious ways, and I know you all will cherish your memories of Jordan, and the time God gave you with him.  I'm so proud of you guys - I keep you in my thoughts and prayers often! 
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